The Eds Discuss… Three Years of Shiny
What’s been the main takeaway for you from these three years? Victoria: Two main things, the first has been the friendships I’ve made with the other eds. We’ve been a great…
What’s been the main takeaway for you from these three years? Victoria: Two main things, the first has been the friendships I’ve made with the other eds. We’ve been a great…
Post-referendum, the Shiny Eds (all Remainers) are still reeling at the Brexit vote! We thought it timely to explore our experience of European culture on the page and screen. Do…
As some of the big literary festivals kick off this year’s lit fest season, Annabel, Harriet, Simon and Victoria discuss them: The literary festival has become so omnipresent lately; are…
Although there always have been superstar authors, for everyone else, gone are the days when you could write a book and leave it to your publisher to sell it for…
Love them or loathe them, we’ve all been in one! The editors discuss the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to book groups. 1. What sort of…
By the Shiny New Books Editors Never mind the old saw, ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’, how important IS cover design, bearing in mind the recent issues over…
By the Shiny New Books Editors The four SNB Editors had a round robin e-mail discussion about our reactions to the announcement of the Man Booker Prize longlist going around…