Bookshop.Org is OPEN in the UK

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Please excuse the plug post, but now we’re going back into lockdown it is more important than ever to support our indie bookshops online.

From today, there’s a new way to do it if you’d like…

Bookshop.Org was born in the US earlier this year, and through its business model has already raised over $6,000,000 to be shared amongst the independent bookshop that have signed up.

TODAY – Bookshop.Org launches in the UK!

Shiny New Books has signed up to be an affiliate, which means that if you buy a book by clicking through to Bookshop.Org via one of our links, we get 10% commission, and 10% also goes into the UK Indie Bookshop pot to be shared out between all the shops signed up.

It’s as simple as that!

We’ve also set up our own Shiny New Books shop within

One of the features of is its love of curated reading lists.

We’ve added two so far, which you can see on our page above if you scroll down. You can click on a list to read it in full with comments, or click on a cover to go straight to a book. Our first two lists are:

We’ve got lots more lists in planning!

Thank you for supporting us and UK indie bookshops. Shiny is a self-funded website, our only income is from commission received via affiliate links which helps to pay the web-hosting fees.

Annabel and Harriet

P.S. We’ll be keeping our Blackwell’s affiliate links going too, as their range of books and pricing are slightly different.

1 comment

  1. I also signed up with them, when they first launched. I like their platform and how you can make a whole list just of the books you want to promote. Mind you, they don’t have everything I’ve reviewed but they do have most.

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